Big impact mixer
Each month, I host a Big Impact Mixer for people who are trying to make a big impact.
You can sign up to be part of it here.
Notes mentioning this note
50 Questions to Ask to Solve Problems
We used these questions in [[BIM January 25 - Breakout Problem Solving]]. What outcome are you hoping to achieve? How...
A Live Demo Site for a SaaS product
While some [[people ruin the internet]]. Some people make [[Sites I drool over]].
Big impact mixer
Each month, I host a Big Impact Mixer for people who are trying to make a big impact. You can...
[Big Impact Mixer] - Vision, Category Design, 10 Year Plan
Time flies, doesn’t it? It seems like just yesterday, I was wrapping up our last Big Impact Mixer, and it’s...
[Big Impact Mixer] - Miracles
Miracles. Miracles. Miracles. This week is [[Big Impact Mixer]] week! 🗓 Thursday, 10:00 AM Pacific 🔗 Register to join us...
BIM January 25 - Breakout Problem Solving
Tomorrow is the big day. [[Big Impact Mixer]] happens and it’s so much fun. If you haven’t been to one...
[Big Impact Mixer] - Experiments Followup
We had a great time at the [[Big Impact Mixer]] yesterday. You can join us, you know. Just go here....
Does Magic Mind really give you clean and calm energy?
Magic Mind reached out to me about a sponsorship for my [[5 Best RTI Episodes on Transformative Principal podcast]]. If...
An 84% Pay Cut? Would You Take it?
It’s time! Our next Big Impact Mixer will be on Thursday at 10 am Pacific. We’re going to have two...
iA Presenter Now Allows Sharing on the Web
I love beautiful things, but I am not necessarily good at creating them. I love beauty when I see it,...