[Big Impact Mixer] - Vision, Category Design, 10 Year Plan

Time flies, doesn’t it? It seems like just yesterday, I was wrapping up our last Big Impact Mixer, and it’s already time for the next one.

This week, here’s what we’ve got cooking.

I had a revelation a couple weeks ago about how to live my life. I’ve always had a vision for my life, but my wife asked me a question one night that stopped me in my tracks. She asked, “What does success look like to you?”

It helped me see something that I hadn’t seen before and opened my eyes up to something new. Each of us has to define success in terms that make sense to us. I’m going to share that with you on Thursday, but only as a model for you to define success in your own way.

Visioning the Future

Tying into this idea, Julie Ulstrup, who happened to be on the podcast this week, will lead us in an activity about visioning our future. Should tie in nicely.

Category Design

My good friend, Danny Bauer, is going to get us into a different frame of mind by helping us think about category design and how we can be the only person offering our unique approach.

My Next Big Project

When this idea came to me, shortly after my conversation I mentioned above, it scared me a little, but then I KNEW I had to do it. It’s a big commitment, perhaps one of the biggest that I have made, and I’ll share it with you at the end of our time together on Thursday. This project is going to last for at least 10 years, and I’ve already mentally committed the time and funds necessary.

But, I can’t do it alone, so I am going to need your help to make it happen. That doesn’t mean I need you to buy something, it means I need you to join with me and help me. I’m going to need connections to the right people, support, and organizational help.

I’m excited and nervous. Part of why I’m sharing it in this email is that I want some accountability to make it ready as ready for primetime as I can by Thursday!

The next ten years will be a decade never to be forgotten.

Join me on Thursday at 10 am Pacific. If you don’t have it on your calendar, sign up here.

PS. Who is this Jethro guy and why is he hosting this event?

I have been podcasting since 2008, in various forms. Since then, I have created the longest running, most downloaded school leadership podcast out there, Transformative Principal. I now help other people who are mission driven to create their own podcasts and connect with the right people in the right way to build powerful communities where people take action. If you want to talk about how a podcast can help you make a big impact, hit reply.

[[ Big Impact Mixer ]] September Big Impact Mixer

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