How it works


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How it Works

Three options for students

Option 1

Stay enrolled in your local public school, and use SDL as personalized support for your student.

Option 2

Enroll in Washington Connections Academy and take online classes there, and use this as personalized support for your child.

Option 3

Declare home-based instruction and indicate that you are working with a certified person, and we’ll handle the curriculum and progress reports required.

Regardless of the option you choose, we will work with your student to provide accountability, support, and a personalized plan for success.

Our coaches focus on the following attributes:

*Student-driven learning, personalized for every student.

*Goal setting


*Strengths-based decision-making


*Mindset (and not just fixed or growth mindsets, either)

Regardless of the path you take, our goal is to help your child become a kind, impactful adult who helps solve real problems in our world.


Not a Public or Private School (Yet!)

The coronavirus pandemic really showed it’s head at the end of the application period for private schools in Washington.

While we are not yet an approved private school, we are filling out the required paperwork, and hope that the state will approve us ASAP!


Tuition for SDL Academy is just $600 per month, or $5495 per year (September through June).


If I am homeschooling my child, what will this mean?

Your child will be homeschooled, and we will use our problem- and inquiry-based approach to teach and coach your child.

If my student is enrolled in Connections or the public school, what will this mean?

Our time will be spent coaching and supporting your child in meeting the standards created by the school district.

My student has special needs, will they be successful?

While we don’t have IEP services or special educators, we do help students where they are at. We don’t believe in learning gaps, and believe that every child has a starting point on which to build.

What about Coronavirus restrictions?

Currently, our plan is to start virtually in the fall. As soon as we can safely gether, we will do so.

