Moving from Technology to Leadership

I’m really fascinated when I hear that people want to change their identity. I applaud Amber.

Amber Teamann:

The evolution of this blog has come a long way. It began as a tool I used in my fourth grade classroom. It then became a place I could share all of the great things I was seeing in classrooms and share techie resources as a technology facilitator. It then became a place to share weekly happenings as an administrator. It became less and less about “technology” and more and more about leadership…about quality instruction…about all the things I am passionate about.

Amber realized that her leadership in technology was not enough. Becuase it isn’t. Anytime we focus on the technology, we lose.

The leader who tweets and blogs is simply using a tweet and blog vehicle for helping accomplish the goals of the principal. It’s not bad. It’s a choice. The standards are standards. They don’t define the tools used to address the standards.

Using the technology is about helping us be better principals. It is certainly not about what we use, but rather what we do every single day.

Focus on the verbs, not the nouns.

This is one thing that I strive to do with my interviews for Transformative Principal. Yes, we talk about technology on there. Yes we talk about Twitter, blogs, etc., but what I hope we really focus on is what we are doing with those tools.

Let’s talk about the verbs, not the nouns.
