Podcasts to listen to on the way home from #NASSP16
It’s time to head home from a great conference.
What to do on the plane? Sure, you could watch a movie, but here is a challenge. Listen to some of these great principals share what they have learned.
Listen to Todd Whitaker and Rick Wormeli talk about how to help your great teachers here: http://transformativeprincipal.org/wormeliwhitaker
Listen to William Parker talk about how to deal with difficult people, one of the most downloaded podcasts in the whole Transformative Principal catalog. Here: http://transformativeprincipal.org/episode76
Listen to this interview on the Better Leaders Better Schools podcast with Daniel Bauer about being nice and listening. Here: http://betterleadersbetterschools.com/027-work-hard-have-fun-be-nice-with-jeff-zoul/
Here, Baruti Kafele talks about how to reach every at-risk student: http://transformativeprincipal.org/baruti-kafele
Be sure to like Transformative Principal on Facebook, follow the blog, follow on Twitter @TrnFrmPrincipal, and subscribe to the podcast in iTunes.
I was able to interview some other great presenters from the conference, and their podcasts will be released soon.
Also, let me know if you are interested in joining a mastermind