Podcast Appearances

Podcast Appearances by Me

Most recent on top. Here’s an interview that I did with the Other People’s Shoes. Very wide-ranging, not typical interview.

Other People’s Shoes - The Real World

I was so grateful to be on Brad Shreffler’s Planning Period Podcast. You can listen to it here.Please fill out my impact survey if this episode made an impact on you.

The EduTech Guys Podcast

While at FETC22 I was able to chat with the EduTech Guys podcast and share about automation, trauma, and my book. Check it out here.

Impact Learning Podcast

I had the great opportunity to interview with Maria about the work I’m currently doing. Student driven learning, SchoolX and more. Check it out here.

Blatantly Honest Podcast

On this episode of “Blatantly Honest with Makaila Nichols” is Jethro Jones. He’s a former principal at all K-12 levels, host of the podcast series Transformative Principal and author of the book “SchoolX: How principals can design a transformative school experience for students, teachers, parents – and themselves.” Jethro discusses various issues that impact students, teachers and schools across the nation.

Podcast link

Youtube Video

My Bad Podcast

I spoke on Jon Harper’s podcast about being busy, and how we need to be intentional. Listen here

Derek Rhodenizer’s Eduthoughts Podcast

Derek Rhodenizer invited me to be on his podcast to talk about taking professional development into your own hands. Here is the episode.

LeadingLDS Podcast

I spoke with Kurt Francom about how to lead in school and in church. Here is the episode.

Prepped and Polished

Alexis Avila talked to me about mentors for youth among other topics on his podcast. Here is the episode.

PrincipalPLN Podcast

I interviewed the PrincipalPLN folks about their book, and they put me on their podcast! Here is the episode.

Workflowed Podcast

I had the chance to be on Damon Hargraves’ WorkflowED Podcast

We talked about how to print tickets for state tests when using the KITE client.
