Personal board of advisors

Everyone should have a personal board of advisors. This board of advisors is a group of people that care about your success.

You go to them when you have an issue, and you look to them for support. They are the people you can rely on to give you good advice, which you then take and apply in your own life.

Jim Rohn said “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with” and if you surround yourself with good people, you will be a good person, too.

Boards of advisors should get at least a quarterly update from you about what is going on in your life, what decisions you’re facing, your celebrations, and your plans and goals.

Each person could react differently. But you have to be the one to make the final decision.

This doesn’t have to be an official position. One of my advisors doesn’t even know I exist, but I run my ideas through his way of thinking and I have never even met him, but he is a public enough figure that I can know what he is thinking on most topics. He’s someone I want to model my life after, and if I make a decision that he would make, I’m probably in a good spot.

I have other advisors that do know me and I talk with them regularly. Some are older than me, some are younger (like my kids), and some only focus on one specific area.

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