Notes to staci

How I Got My Wife to Stop Nagging Me.

For the last 9 months, I’ve been writing a handwritten love note to my wife every day.

To be honest, I don’t think she’s changed at all, but I sure have.

Here’s the surprising things I’ve learned from writing to her daily.

  1. She’s less annoying People annoy us. My wife has amazingly gotten less annoying since I’ve started writing her how much I love her. The truth: I’m less judgy when I start the day with gratitude towards her.
  2. She’s more kind She doesn’t get mad at me as much as she used to. The Truth: When I start the day with gratitude, it’s easier for her to be kind to me, too.
  3. She stopped nagging me My wife has totally stopped nagging me. The truth: thinking and writing about my gratitude towards her every day helps me not be bothered by the things that used to get under my skin.
  4. She doesn’t get mad anymore Look, I’ve done some stupid things in the last six months that I’d be amazed if she ever forgave me for. The Truth: Because I’m more honest, she’s been more truthful with me, too. That means we actually get upset with each other more often, but we’re coming from a different place.
  5. She forgives me when I mess up. If you’re anything like me, you’ve apologized when you don’t really mean it. You’ve been sorry for getting caught. The Truth: Now, I’m actually sorry for doing the dumb thing.
  6. Better intimacy. Well, that too. But that’s not for the internet!

Me writing to her probably hasn’t changed her at all, but it sure has changed me.

Give it a try yourself, for the next 9 months, and see what happens.

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