How we set goals in the Mastermind

Setting goals is a key piece of the mastermind. Every week, we set goals to help us stay focused and get better.

In order to transform our schools, we need to improve them.

We do that through weekly goal setting and accountability in the mastermind.

But setting goals isn’t always as intuitive as we sometimes thing.

There are a few frameworks out there.

One that I love that I learned a few years ago is the BSA Framework.

B - Think Big! When you make a goal, think about what you want to accomplish. Don’t think about your todo list. Think about the big ideas of what you want to accomplish. Get that in your mind first.

S - Start Small! Walk that big thing back into small baby steps that will lead up to the successful result you are looking for. You don’t have to accomplish your goal in one week. You need to do the smallest next step to get you there.

If your big goal is to change the culture, a goal for this week could be meeting with two people to ask them their perspective on the culture.

A - Take Action! Make sure your goal is something you can take action on, that isn’t dependent on anyone else.

This simple framework works well because it is simple. It encompasses all the pieces of so many other goal setting frameworks in a small package.
