High Rep Workouts

For this experiment I am going to do my weight training based on time to failure rather than max weights lifted.

I’m not sure how many reps I’m doing of each, but the goal is to fatigue my muscles enough that they eventually fail, and that’s when I move on.

I’ve struggled with pushing to failure because I know I have more reps to do. When I get to failure, I’m done.

A former NFL player that goes to my gym suggested this to me as a way to build muscle, get my heart rate up, and shed weight. We will see how it goes.

I can take a break between exercises, but not during an exercise. If I stop for more than a second, I need to call that failure.

Monday: Leg Day

Date exercise weight time to failure Notes
02/03/2025 squats 45 2:21  
02/03/2025 leg extension (machine) 60 1:25  
02/03/2025 jump squats body 0:46  
02/03/2025 leg curl 60 1:01  
02/03/2025 lunge 10 2:55  
02/03/2025 bike level 10 3:00  
02/4/2025 Bench press 45 2:10  
  Incline bench press 45 1:10  
  Incline chest fly 10 3:19 Too light
  Tricep extension (dumbbell) 20 :55 Gave up too early. This exercise is awkward for me.
  Tricep push down (cable) 25 3:36 Recently been doing 100 reps of this so
2/5/25 Bent over row 40 1:00  
  Right arm bent over row 25 0:42 Elbow started hurting before muscle fatigue on each of these exercises
  Left arm bent over row 25 0:49  
  Cable pull down 55 2:09  
  Back fly 30 1:19  
  Dumbbell shrug 100 1:00  
2/7/25 Barbell curl 50 0:55  
  Hammer curl 40 1:30  
  Tricep extension bable 30 2:00  
  Curl cable 30 0:45  
  Barbell skullcrusher 30 1:15  
  Tricep extension 30 0:49  
2/10/2025 Squats 45 2:00  
  Jump squats Body 0:45  
  Lunge 20 3:30  
  Leg extension      
  Leg curl      
2/11/25 Bench press 45 1:55  
  Incline bench press 45 1:15  
  Incline chest fly 20 1:32  
  Tricep extension 22.5 1:15  
  Tricep push down cable 30 2:52  

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