Explicit teaching (54)

📖 Explicit Teaching (54)

  1. “Create a lesson plan for a unit on [concept being taught] that includes a variety of activities and assessments and takes into account the following paragraph where I provide a brief description on the skills and knowledge of my students.”
  2. Create a lesson outline with learning intentions, creative activities, and success criteria for a lesson on [concept being taught].”
  3. “Generate 5 multiple choice questions that assess students’ understanding of [concept being taught].”
  4. Give me an example of a specific concept or skill you would teach explicitly in your classroom and explain why it is important.
  5. I want you to provide me with a step-by-step breakdown of how you would explicitly teach students to write a persuasive essay.
  6. What strategies do you use to make learning objectives clear and explicit to your students?
  7. How do you create scaffolds or supports to help students understand complex ideas during explicit instruction?
  8. Explain how you use modeling to demonstrate desired behaviors or processes during explicit teaching.
  9. Act as a student and describe a time when explicit teaching helped you grasp a challenging concept.
  10. Create a lesson plan that outlines how you would explicitly teach students to solve multi-step math word problems.
  11. Develop strategies for breaking down complex tasks into smaller, more manageable steps during explicit instruction.
  12. Generate ideas for incorporating visuals, diagrams, or graphic organizers to enhance explicit teaching.
  13. Suggest ways to use questioning techniques to check for student understanding during explicit instruction.
  14. Summarize the types of feedback you provide to students during explicit teaching and how it supports their learning.
  15. Give me specific examples of how you differentiate your explicit instruction to meet the needs of diverse learners.
  16. I want you to explain how you use explicit instruction to develop students’ critical thinking skills.
  17. Provide me with strategies for engaging students actively during explicit teaching sessions.
  18. What tools or technologies do you utilize to enhance explicit teaching in your classroom?
  19. How do you systematically review previously taught concepts or skills during explicit instruction?
  20. Act as a coach and describe how you provide corrective feedback to students during explicit teaching.
  21. Create a plan for explicitly teaching students effective note-taking strategies.
  22. Develop strategies for explicitly teaching students self-regulation and organizational skills.
  23. Generate ideas for incorporating real-world examples or applications into your explicit teaching.
  24. Suggest ways to explicitly teach students effective reading comprehension strategies.
  25. Summarize the ways you explicitly teach students to evaluate and analyze information critically.
  26. Give me specific examples of how you explicitly teach vocabulary words and concepts.
  27. I want you to explain how you use gradual release of responsibility to transition from explicit teaching to independent practice.
  28. Provide me with strategies for assessing student progress and mastery during explicit instruction.
  29. What techniques do you use to promote student engagement and motivation during explicit teaching?
  30. Act as a mentor and describe how you support other teachers in implementing explicit teaching strategies.
  31. Create a plan for explicitly teaching students problem-solving skills in a specific content area.
  32. Develop strategies for explicitly teaching students effective communication and presentation skills.
  33. Generate ideas for incorporating cooperative learning or group work into your explicit teaching.
  34. “Generate an exemplar of a well-written essay on [topic] that meets the criteria for an ‘A’ grade (above), with detailed annotation explaining the success criteria.”
  35. “Generate a glossary of terms and definitions for a unit on [concept being taught].”
  36. “I’m trying to improve my understanding of the Arab-Israeli conflict. Develop a choose-your-own adventure story and keep asking me to choose an option before moving on to the next part of the story.” It will immerse you in a story while giving you choice. A potentially great prior knowledge or consolidation activity where students can share their different stories, decisions and outcomes they had in relation to the topic.`
  37. “Create a graphic organizer or concept map to visually represent the key components and relationships within [concept being taught].”
  38. “Design a hands-on experiment or demonstration that allows students to observe and explore the principles of [concept being taught].”
  39. “Develop a guided practice activity that scaffolds students’ learning and gradually increases their independence in applying [concept being taught].”
  40. “Create a set of role-playing scenarios that simulate real-life situations related to [concept being taught], allowing students to apply their knowledge and problem-solving skills.”
  41. “Generate a set of real-world examples or case studies that illustrate the practical applications of [concept being taught].”
  42. “Design a cooperative learning activity or group project that encourages collaboration and active participation while addressing [concept being taught].”
  43. “Develop a guided inquiry activity where students investigate and draw conclusions about [concept being taught] through hands-on exploration and data analysis.”
  44. “Create a set of sentence stems or language frames that support students in articulating their understanding and reasoning related to [concept being taught].”
  45. “Generate a series of problem-solving tasks that progressively increase in complexity and challenge students to apply [concept being taught].”
  46. “Design a jigsaw activity where students become experts in specific aspects of [concept being taught] and then share their knowledge with their peers.”
  47. “Create a set of mnemonic devices or acronyms to help students remember key information or steps related to [concept being taught].”
  48. “Develop a technology-based learning activity or simulation that provides an interactive and immersive experience to reinforce [concept being taught].”
  49. “Design a think-pair-share activity where students individually reflect on a question related to [concept being taught], discuss their ideas with a partner, and then share their thoughts with the class.”
  50. “Create a gallery walk activity where students analyze and interpret visual representations or artifacts related to [concept being taught], discussing their observations and insights with their peers.”
  51. “Generate a set of guided reading questions that scaffold students’ comprehension and analysis of a text relevant to [concept being taught].”
  52. “Design a debate or discussion activity that explores different perspectives or viewpoints on a controversial topic related to [concept being taught].”
  53. “Create a series of mini-lessons or tutorials that break down complex concepts within [concept being taught] into more manageable and understandable parts.”
  54. “Develop a project-based assessment task where students design and create a product or solution that applies and demonstrates their understanding of [concept being taught].” ChatGPT Prompts for Educators
