What if you could sit down with 36 amazing educational leaders?

Monday is the big day for the launch of the Transformative Leadership Summit! I’m so excited. #TLS17

##Sign up here

I mentioned last week that my goal is to reach 100 Million students in the next ten years.

Will you please share this with 5 people? We doubled attendance in the last week because so many people did just that!

Over 800 people have signed up for this amazing learning experience! My goal is to get to 2000.

Please forward this to 5 people that are leaders in your district (by position or influence).

There are over 18 hours of amazing wisdom to get to over the next few days!

Let’s get to the schedule!

Monday and Tuesday we are going to focus on the administrator experience. Share this day’s email with your principal friends, only if you want them to be less stressed! On Monday, we will have a launch webinar with special guest Danny Bauer from the Better Leaders Better Schools Podcast. Register for that here

Click Here to Register for the Launch Webinar

Wednesday and Thursday is all about the Student Experience. These days are packed with 5 speakers on Tuesday and 6 on Wednesday! They are going to be huge. These days are especially good for sharing with teachers to get them inspired to meet kids’ needs.

We have a special treat on Thursday. I’m inviting you to see a live Mastermind call in action. Please Join us at 10 am EST to see what a Mastermind is about. Then, schedule a call with me if you would like to talk about joining us!

Click Here to Register for the Mastermind LIVE webinar

Friday and Saturday are all about the Teacher Experience. So share these with the teachers in your life that are ready to up their game. Friday morning at 11 am EST I will be hosting a private Q&A for All Access Pass holders, so if you would like to participate in that, get the All Access Pass today!

Sunday is reflection day…. so take some time to reflect about what you’ve learned and most importantly, how will you apply what you have learned? Whatever you are learning, you can share on social media with the hashtag #TLS17

Monday and Tuesday are all about the Parent/Community Experience. Parents and community members can be such a powerful part of our schools, and you are going to love learning about how to engage parents and community from a very involved parent group in the heart of Silicon Valley, to an amazing community partnership in the midwest, to a rural community in North Carolina. We will have a special end-of-the-#TLS17 webinar on August 8th at 4:30 pm AKST

Register for the closing webinar!

So, if you made it this far, go ahead and send this to 5 more people! Let’s make this HUGE!

Much Love,

