Simple Remote Schooling Plans

As a digitally connected school leader, and a father of four children, I have seen many different approaches to this remote learning situation we find ourselves in.

My wife and I are both graduated from college, and I’m a school principal, while my wife is a homemaker.

I love technology so we have plenty of devices in our home and gigabit internet (thanks GCI!).

I’m also a big proponent of personalizing learning.

We have about the best possible situation for remote learning that you can imagine.

I’m going to lay it out as simply as I can.

It’s still not easy for us!

Whatever expectations we educators have about our families and their ability to do remote school at home, we need to throw that out the window!

This is the first day of distance learning in our district and between so many teachers and so many kids, we pretty much have no idea what is going on!

Yes, we are reading the emails and printing things out and logging into Google classroom, and hoping to make it to the hours of zoom meetings we have.

The reality is much different than how teachers hoped it would go.




That is the way to go.

Wednesday, I’m doing a webinar with Ed Elements about making a simple, 1 page plan for remote learning the rest of the year.

If you are doing anything more than that, I promise, many parents are going to give up.
