Taking the time.


Jethro Jones


March 12, 2021

I have a new philosophy that I’m trying out:

I figure if I can take the time to read it, I could at least take the time to reply.

I’ve done a lot of lurking on social media and blogs in the past. 

Rather than just checking out what comes across me, if I’m going to take the time to spend my attention on something. I should at least take the time to share it or add to it, or reply to it. 

Not only will this build my relationships with people that I want to be connected with, but it will also honor those people by taking the time to say thank you or something else. 

In fact, I just recently finished reading a great book by the author Brian Freeman. So, since he had his email in the acknowledgments at the end, I figured I should email him and tell him I liked it. 

As a creator myself, I love it when I get responses and people appreciate something that I created. 

Can you imagine how our society would change if we connected with the people who are creating content for us and said thanks? That would be awesome. 

Are there any flaws with this approach?
