3 things i'm interested in right now

Day 2: 3 Topics I Am Exploring In My Life Right Now

There are 3 topics I am actively thinking about a lot these days:

**Academic Writing

I am interested in academic writing because I just got feedback on two papers submitted for my doctoral program.

It wasn’t pretty.

My professors excoriated me, one saying I was writing in too journalistic a voice. One saying I was writing in too passive a voice, and more. It was terrible.

And my hope is that over the next 2 years, as I continue to learn more and more, I’ll be able to successfully defend my dissertation.

You see, I really want to be able to write effectively regardless of the situation that I am in. I want to be able to change how I am writing to fit the context of the writing that I’m doing.

Physical Fitness

I’ve been a fat and lazy slob for most of my adult life. Throughout this time, I’ve tried a ton of fad diets and tried to get better at eating.

But this change last year when I met Kyle Carnohan who said, “Who would go to you for coaching? You’re fat!” Ouch! That hurt, especially since I had been at the lowest weight I’d been at in years when he said that.

Since then I have learned a ton about the importance of macros (I didn’t even know what those were), exercise, and sleep. I want to know more.


I also have an interest in learning more about truth and how we perceive it.

It’s one of those fun rabbit holes I find myself exploring simply because I enjoy it.

I have several notes in my @obsdmd vault relating to it and I like contemplating it.

If you have insight or a passion for these things, I’d love to connect, and nerd out about it with you, so reach out!
