ASTE 2019


#ASTE 2019

I’m very grateful to have been asked to present two sessions and a keynote at the Alaska Society for Technology in Education conference in February 2019. Here you can find links to what I talked about and go deeper.

The featured speakers list at ASTE19 - Great company!

The featured speakers list at ASTE19 - Great company!


Screenshot 2019-02-17 15.00.45.png

###Education in the 21st Century Has Nothing To Do With Technology

In this keynote presentation, I talk about the three dispositions adults need to have to support students in 21st century education.

Video will be loaded here after the conference.

If you were there, please take the Impact Survey

###Designing a School

In this session, I discuss the process by which we are researching a K12 Magnet School in Fairbanks.

Here’s the infographic.

Here’s the handout.

If you were there, please take the Impact Survey


K12 Magnet Infographic

Learning without limitations

Get the Infographic

Screenshot 2019-02-17 15.02.39.png


This session we focused on the process we have gone through to create a chatbot for teaching students about Native cultures in Alaska.

Experience the BETA of the RavenBot here.

If you were there, please take the Impact Survey
