Jen Sullivan is an educator and author who runs her own business helping students around the country. Four years ago, she was working in a regional education service center and felt a passion for helping families. She started to see opportunities come her way and knew that this was something she loved.

During the pandemic, Jen found extra time to focus on writing her book. She says that once you set the intention to write a book, it is always there in the back of your mind. Jen doesn't know exactly how many books she has sold, but she knows that certain times of the year are more profitable. For her, the book is a vehicle for her platform and a way to connect with people, not just through speaking engagements.

Over time, Jen's parameters for success have changed. She has had to make mindset shifts in order to find success, including believing in herself outside of her 9-5 job and being willing to hustle to get speaking gigs. She says that the opportunities don't just fall into your lap, you have to talk about your work and share what you're doing. To promote yourself, you need to have a mindset of not caring what others think and just focusing on your own goals.

Listen to the episode here.
