The Power of Rest

How are you going to rest this year? I've learned in my life that rest is a valuable part of the work I do, whatever work that is. I have four ideas about rest this year:

Day after travel

Sometimes, I make the mistake of scheduling too much for me to do the day after I get back from traveling. I need to do a better job of clearing my calendar, or at least the morning after travel so that I can rest & rejuvenate.

Sabbath Day

I have long kept the Sabbath Day holy by not working on Sunday. This year, I have church at 9 am instead of 2 pm, so I'm really looking forward to resting regularly on Sunday. Sunday naps here I come!


I just love football. This last football season, I decided that I would watch football as much as I wanted and not feel guilty about it. It was glorius and I didn't track it, but I know I didn't spend all day Saturday only watching football. But I did make sure I had time to watch it when I wanted.


I've been working so hard lately that I don't have a real hobby right now. I'd like to change that this year and get a hobby that I actually enjoy.

What is important about rest to you? What are you looking to do to rest appropriately this year?
