layout: post title: A five minute exercise to help you feel confident. categories:

You are awesome. You’re doing the best you can with what you’ve got, and working your hardest to meet the needs of your people. 

Imagine hearing an announcement from your governor about reopening schools and feeling totally confident that whatever he or she requests for reopening schools, you are prepared and ready

Imagine feeling calm and confident about reopening.

Imagine having the clarity to say,  “I am focusing on what I can solve and not worrying about the other issues.” 

Instead of nervously waiting for direction to come down from on high, you need to be  proactive and focused on creating a plan for your families, not trying to figure out how to meet the demands of your board or local government. 

On Monday, I’ll share a solution that I know will help, but today, I want to give you a proven plan to lower your blood pressure about reopening. 

It’s a simple three-step exercise that you can do right now. 

Step 1: make a list of all the things that you value about your school. But only take 5 minutes! Set a timer. Go! 

Step 2: look at your list and choose the three (only 3!) things that are most important to you out of all those things. 

Step 3: Write down those three things on a separate sheet of paper. Take a picture and send those three things to me, or post them on social media and mention me. 

These three things are the things that must happen when schools reopen, regardless of whatever else is going on in the world. 

How does this help?

*It helps you identify what matters most. If you can identify what matters most, you can forget about a lot of the other things that could be holding you back. 

*Sharing what you value most with someone helps you solidify it in your mind. 

*When you focus on the three things that matter most, you will be able to make a plan for the future that supports those three things, and it won’t be as scary.

How do I know it works? 

After sharing this with a small group of principals, they all said this made them feel like they could accomplish bigger tasks because they could focus on these important things. 

So, send me your picture! 

In a couple days, I’ll share the project I’m working on to help you make a simple but solid plan for reopening your school! 
