Growth isn't linear. Success isn't obvious.

Right now in my life, I am doing some really amazing work. It’s the work that is truly changing education from the inside out. Sometimes it is messy. All the time, it is worth it.

But, as you know, it doesn’t always come out how you want. I’ve taken very specific steps the last few years to accelerate my growth.

I’ve done a lot of work on myself.

One of the areas where I have really worked is assessing myself and where I am at in my life. What’s crazy is that even though I am doing more complex and challenging work today than I was three years ago, I have better balance in my life. There are still really long days at work, but they are fewer and further between.

You see, if I am a workaholic and I spend all my time raising other peoples’ children, I’m certainly not going to be satisfied with my life with my own family, and that is just not acceptable to me.

Where are you at in your life right now? And how do you know? Each year, I take the LifeScore assessment from Michael Hyatt, which helps me understand, from a different perspective, where I am at in my life. It’s not perfect, but it really helps give a different view.

Take the assessment here. It’s powerful, and you will be grateful for taking it.

The assessment is free. It leads to a course that Michael created, that has also helped me so much. I’ll talk more about that later, but because it helped me so much, I want to help Michael promote it as an affiliate, which does mean if you end up buying it, I’ll get a little commission. I’d still be talking about it even if I didn’t get anything, just so you know.
