Day 4 of #TLS17 More on Improving the Student Experience

There’s still time to catch the webinar where you get to watch a live mastermind. If you’ve thought about joining the Mastermind, this is the chance for you to see it for yourself.

Tomorrow the price of the All Access Pass goes up, so be sure to get that today!

Today, we continue discussions about improving the Student Experience.

Mike Anderson: Social emotional learning is not an aside. We need to treat it as an important part of our teaching. Choice in what kids do, as well as incorporating what Allison Zmuda talked about yesterday, is a great way to get kids to increase their self-regulation and self-awareness. Mike talks about how SEL is embedded in the standards and his example is included as a bonus for those who purchase the All Access Pass.

Paul Erickson: What I love about this conversation is how real Paul gets about “that kid:” the only one that is going to get you called back to the school! Paul has a strategy for dealing with that student. A couple weeks ago, I was talking with my mom about my school years and how difficult I was as a student. She asked what the kids are like with me today, and if I have any that were like me. I told her that I do, but they are my favorite because they are a challenge to relate to and engage. I love Paul’s approach to force himself to be there for that kid.

Tomorrow, I am doing a special Q&A for All Access Pass Holders. Get the All Access Pass to join that Q&A.

Joshua Spodek: A university professor and entrepreneur is not the typical guest on the Transformative Leadership Summit, but he is a powerful example of learning from others. He learned about experiential learning from Science Leadership Academy in Philadelphia. Since then, he changed his approach and does experiential learning in his university classes.

Kimberly Miles: A turnaround principal and someone you will meet on the webinar this morning in the Transformative Mastermind. A fellow Portlander called her the “Turnaround Queen!” Kimberly doesn’t like that much, but she knows how to bring increase the skills of low-performing kids.

Brian Edmister: How do we start interconnecting subjects, even in elementary school? Brian will show you how. All teachers can contribute to the grading of students regardless of what they are teaching. This is pretty exciting. As a bonus for those All Access Pass holders](, Brian has contributed his grade report for 4th grade, so you can see what it looks like.
