Day 3 of the Transformative Leadership Summit

Today is the start of the Student Experience portion of the Transformative Leadership Summit. And it is going to be fantastic! I know you will love it!

Here are some highlights from yesterday from Twitter: “BEAUTIFUL post by @ChrisWejr. If you caught talk w/ @jethrojones at Transformative Leadership Summit, read this too. “ - Jonathon.

Karl mentioned “Always excited for the summer PD that is the Transformative Leadership Summit by @jethrojones Check it out #TLS17”

And Jennifer Abrams herself even chimed in “No matter your role, you can be a catalyst for change at your school #Educators #Grow #TLS17” So True!!!

One teacher texted me the other day saying that she didn’t realize there would be good stuff in here for teachers , too! But let me tell you, there is. And today, as we shift to the Student Experience , we are going to examine how to improve the school experience for our students.

Tomorrow, I am doing a live webinar for the Transformative Mastermind, which I would love to have you join. Each week in the mastermind, we talk about our strengths and struggles, and provide support to each other to make sure that we can move our schools forward.

We set goals, hold each other accountable, and otherwise have a great time. Make sure you sign up for the live webinar where you will be able to watch a mastermind as it happens. The power of what is happening in my mastermind every week is groundbreaking! If you’ve been wondering what it looks like, this will be your chance to see what goes on every week .

I’ll be opening up another slot soon after the Transformative Leadership Summit is over, and I’d love to invite you to the group. Feel free to give me a call about the Mastermind.

Today on the Transformative Leadership Summit, we will hear from five educators about the Student Experience.

Sylwia Denko will talk about the growth mindset and how to cultivate that in your students.

Mark Barnes, of HackLearning fame, is going to take the approach of finding ways to give kids more choice . One of the things we are so afraid of letting kids know that they are really the ones in control. Mark encourages us to give them that voice.

Keven Barker, a member of the Transformative Mastermind, is a master of inclusion for students with special needs . He helps them get on grade level and grow with their peers. It is powerful.

Margaret Wright, also a member of the Transformative Mastermind, will talk about her efforts with implementing a calm-down room in her school. What you don’t see in the interview is the process that she has gone through over the last four months to develop this idea and bring it to fruition. One of the amazing things about the Transformative Mastermind is that we get to see on a weekly basis the challenges that each other are facing and how they can overcome them.

Finally, I was cleaning off the bookshelf from the previous principal, and I found a book that I actually wanted to keep. It was called Transforming Schools, by Allison Zmuda and she is going to blow your mind a bit by requesting that we involve kids int he instructional design of our teaching. She challenges us to make kids the center, and that’s not lip service. She really means that they need to be part of the lesson planning, asking them questions like, “What’s the next best challenge, problem, question to put in front of this student?”

Please remember to sign up for the webinartomorrow and watch a Mastermind as it really happens.

And don’t forget, the All Access Pass will give you access to a private facebook group and a private voxer group to deepen the discussion about what you are learning.

Get the All Access Pass!
