Staff Newsletter for 02/27/2017

Hi Team,

Upcoming Calendar Items

Please take the School Climate and Connectedness Survey with your second period class some time during the next two weeks. It should take about 15 minutes to complete. The link will come from Melissa in a separate email.

This Friday’s early release will be a training about proficiency scales with the Department of Instruction.

Good news, our subs are asking for more information before they get to our school to fill positions. Please put your lessons in Aesop when you are requesting substitutes. It is helpful for the subs to know what they are getting. Sandy is happy to print them off for the subs, especially if they are in Aesop. Don’t let this request stop you from requesting subs early if you can’t get the lesson plans in right when you request it!

Some Data

The month is not over, yet, but here is our tardy data for the month. We had 299 tardies in February so far, compared to 454 last month. Our average tardies per student is 2.34 compared to 2.86 last month.


This article explains one reason why we don’t have bells: Squeezing the last minute out of a session.

Here’s a great article from Harvard Business Review about taking on new challenges.

And, a big thanks to our Student Events committee for putting on a great Engineering Night on Friday. I spent most of my time at the paper airplane station! Be sure to check out our Facebook page for some pictures!


