Staff Newsletter for 02/06/2017

Hi Team,

Our Edcamp was pretty great last week. Here are the notes from the sessions:

MAP Assessment Data: The OOOO and AAAHHH moment was finding the “Student Profile” which shows current growth.

Greehouse: Still waiting for notes

Flexible Scheduling: Still waiting for notes

Collaboration when there is no time: focusing on the use of technology since we can’t all be available at the same time. This is an issue that was just lightly touched on in our scheduling discussion.

This Friday is grade level collaboration time. We will start with celebrations in the library, and then go from there to our grade level teams. Please post your agendas and notes in Basecamp.

Upcoming Calendar items:

Parent teacher conferences this week. Dinner will be provided by the PTA on Wednesday (Thai food) and by the office on Thursdays (soup and french bread).

District Inservice is coming up next week, Thursday and Friday. If you did not receive an email invite to pre-register for our Feb. 16th–17th inservice, please use this link to create your account and build your schedule.

Battle of the Books is happening on Thursday.


Here are some links for a MAP Webinar about the Student Profile Report:

10-minute recorded webinar by a fellow MAP user:

Recorded 1/23/17 webinar: Webinar: Student Profile Report: Instructional Module 1–23–2017

Let’s Stop Calling Them Soft Skills Here is a great article about “soft skills” that is beneficial for us as adults and for what we are teaching our kids. We have done amazing work with social emotional learning at our school, and we can continue to do better.

Starting a movement of Kindness: This podcast talks about kindness. We could all use more, especially our students.

What Works for Outside the Box Thinkers: We have students that don’t do school the same way as everyone else. This might help us reach them.


