Testing and What is Good for Kids
This Is How Out of Control Testing Has Gotten in Schools - US News
It may be cliché to say that all the important things in life are really learned in kindergarten, but what my daughter learned on her first day – how to get through testing and evaluation – will only prepare her for a long career “doing school,” not a lifetime of delighting in learning and discovery.
It is good for kids to use their time efficiently in school. It is good for kids to know where they are at. It is good for kids to be assessed early. It is good for kids to not be assessed early.
When the argument is always “We do what is good for kids” and conflicting choices can both be good for kids, it is hard to make a decision.
This is a good example of that. It is not always easy to do the right thing, and depending on what you value, “good for kids” has a different definition.
Via Andy Greene
Jethro Jones http://paperlessprincipal.com